Tournament Rules
The rules will be the same as ever, so you can skip to the registration form if you are a veteran. This will be a four tiered scramble (handicaps determine tier; A, B, C, D players) one day, 21-hole tournament and giant skin game (the course has 3 nice practice holes). The Girard Memorial Calcutta will begin the night before the golf tournament, where the organizers will host a team auction. Names will be drawn for teams from four handicap categories and the teams will be subsequently auctioned off to the highest bidder.
- A Scramble format is used on every hole.
- All four players may hit off the tee on all 21 holes.
- Choose the drive you want and the remaining 3 players hit the next shot.
- Choose the shot you want to use next and the player’s shot you use may not play the next shot.
- Continue this until you reach the green.
- No one may hit two shots in a row until you are on the green.
- All four players may putt once the team ball is deemed on the green.
- Any part of the ball touching the green and the ball shall be deemed on the green.
- We will be playing from the BLACK Tee’s.
- The ball may be moved 1 club length no closer to the hole
(You may not move from rough to fairway, trap to rough, etc.). - You cannot tee the ball up but you may set it on the ground with your hands.
- The aforementioned one club length cannot be an extended putter, nor may you use any trick drivers.
- The ball cannot be moved either on or off the green, play it where it is.
- You may not change your lie.
- No practice putts or provisional shots may be taken.
- If you are not eligible to hit a shot, you may not hit.
- Only one person may putt on the par 3’s. Those holes will be assigned to the A, B, C, and D players.
- The fringe plays like the fairway, the person whose shot you choose will not hit off the fringe.
- In the event of a tie there will be a playoff 15 minutes after the last team completes play.
- The playoff will be sudden death.
- If a tie breaker is called due to light, it will be settled on the scorecard.
- 1st tie breaker – Most Birdies of the round
- 2nd tie breaker – Most Eagles of the round